Thursday, December 19, 2013

That Awkward Moment

Brandon has had quite the adventure teaching seminary this semester and I have loved supporting him in it. I went to class with him today to say goodbye to all the students and ended up having a little adventure of my own that I had, up until that point, successfully avoided like the plague.

I went to the bathroom during a break in between classes and everything was perfectly fine until I tried to unlock my stall door. *Clink*...awkward pause...*clink clink* the handle wouldn't turn! I summoned my superhuman strength and tried to push the lever both ways but to no avail. I thought to myself, "Dang it, I wish I had brought my phone with me. Wait. Why? So Brandon can come in the girl's restroom and help you from the side of the door with no handle?!? Genius." I tried the handle again, jiggling it a little, hoping it would give and I would get to leave the bathroom with my dignity still in tact.

Unfortunately, not. I had to pull a middle school prankster move and slip out under the stall door. In a dress.

I can definitely say I have a new found appreciation for all those times I encountered locked-but-empty stalls at school. The way I look at it, at least the bathroom was empty!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Only in Mesa and Other Short Stories

Only in Mesa

Ainsley and I were called to attend the Spanish Branch last week.  At the end of our meeting with the Stake President he told us they met in the building on 32nd and Pueblo. I knew the singles ward for this stake met in a building on Pueblo (about ten minutes from our house) so I said “Oh I know where that is.” 

We headed over to the singles ward building, walked around and found no evidence of the Spanish branch. I double checked the address on GoogleMaps and learned there was actually another LDS church on Pueblo closer to where we live. We got in the car drove for about 30 seconds on Pueblo and found an LDS chapel. We walked in walked around the building once and from experience we knew to stop at that. Again we saw no evidence of Spanish speakers. 

I glanced at the map.

We still hadn’t gone far enough. We got back on Pueblo and drove for another 30 seconds and came to the right building. This time upon entering we immediately saw the “Spanish Branch Relief Society, Do Not Disturb” sign confirming our hopes that this would be the right building on Pueblo.

So far the Spanish Branch has been a fun adjustment though we still haven’t been given any assignments so maybe those will throw another curve ball into the mix.

“Rip” Roaring Fun

Yesterday at the start of 2nd hour I bent over to pick up some notecards that ad fallen on the ground. Upon doing so my pants ripped down the backside from the belt line all the way to the crotch. I glanced up anticipating a gawking class to see students distracted by side conversations and cell phones. For the first time I was grateful for classroom distractions.

I managed to teach class without anyone mentioning my plight but assuming they had at least been aware that something was up. I managed to run home in between classes to change my pants.

Today at the start of class I showed my pants to the class and they were in shock that it had happened during their class. I guess they didn’t notice that I didn’t move all hour to keep my rear facing the board. Now we know I have at least one talent, hiding ripped pants.

Temple Light Night

Sunday night my parents and sisters came down to our apartment for hot chocolate and to visit the Mesa Temple lights. Tara brought Nate and the kids. I did my best all night to stay on my best behavior in case I saw any of my students there. At the end of the night I was slightly disappointed that I didn’t see a single one of them.

However Monday morning I learned that though I hadn’t seen them it didn’t keep them from seeing me. I asked one of them we he didn’t say anything and he said I was busy “playing with my friend.” I thought for a moment and realized what he had seen. For one split second when I saw Tyler Minetto he and I pretended to hide behind the Book of Mormon display.

So now my students know I am a child.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The 10-day Update

Well it's been 10 days since we said "I do" and each day has been an adventure.

We made it home from California in two pieces and now it's time to share the hilarious stories from our honeymoon.

The first little event happened Saturday morning. We spent the night at the Camelback Inn where apparently they pride themselves in having all sorts of authentic foreigners in their restaurants. 

Everyone was sitting outside enjoying their omelets and french toast so we decided to join them - the only issue was that we didn't know how. There was a lady standing behind the desk in front of an empty eating area inside and we had no idea how to get what we wanted so I asked the lady, pointing to the people eating on the patio, "Are they... from in here?" 

Seeing that she was obviously not understanding me I asked, "Is their food from here?" She had a really thick accent and started to mumble something about not understanding me when Brandon stepped in with "What she's trying to say is..." and asked how we go about ordering our breakfast. Thank goodness for husbands to take over when you can't even put a sentence together!

That afternoon we parked our car in a lot by the airport and as I got my bags out I realized I didn't have my wallet. The government shut down when I was going to get a passport so I had absolutely no ID! We decided to head to the airport anyways and hope there would be a way for me to still get on our flight. On the drive there we ended up calling Brandon's mother, my mother, Tyler and my Grandma. We asked everyone to look where they could hoping they would miraculously find my missing wallet so that we wouldn't have to postpone the honeymoon. 

After talking to our entire family, the day after we got married, we milked the honeymoon story for all it was worth at the check-in counter. I waited with a security lady who was on hold with "the powers to be" for about 15 minutes and then she asked me all sorts of questions for about 10 minutes. Once I told her who lives at what address and recited the last four digits of about every number I have memorized I was cleared! Wahoo! I went through basic security, got the super ultra pat down and we were off! This was not the funny part. 

The funny part came on Sunday when I was looking for gum in my bag and what should I find instead but my wallet!!!!!! Partially relieved but mostly frustrated with myself I turned to Brandon and showed him my discovery - he bent over in laughter and proceeded to call his family with the news.

The last story is very short. We were watching TV one night when a commercial came on that said "Christmas is right around the corner...." at which point I yelled out, "Christmaaaaaaaasssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and Brandon joined me :) Apparently two seven-year-olds got married last week!

Now it's back to the grind of daily life and I'll admit that I'm less-than-thrilled about that. However, there's nothing quite like officially having that better half to rely on and it's been worth every awkwardly funny story thus far <3

Monday, November 11, 2013

We've Gotta Get This Going

#PhotoCred -- Melissa Layland and Tara West
I guess we're getting married this week, so now would be an appropriate time to start a blog. Ainsley and I tried to write out this fascinating introductory post but that was a month ago. Instead I am going to write this so we can actually start blogging about all these cool things that make us say "This would be a great blog post."

We really don't care if you read our blog or not. It's mostly just a written compilation of our thoughts, plans and adventures that allow you to look into our lives without having to sound amused once the stories and ramblings start to bore you. This way you can know as little or as much as you'd like. And maybe if you're lucky (and spend adequate time with us) you too will find your own adventures with us posted here. Or if you'd rather not we can manage that too.

So here goes nothing ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... BLAST OFF! (This phrase is a throwback to my preschool days)